You are what you eat. Did I read that right?


So, what did you do today to take care of your body? 

For breakfast my husband cooked egg beaters with spinach and Morning Star Veggie sausage.  It was very good I have to admit.  Was a little nervous about it.  I just found another great meal with a spinach burger from Morning Star.  I will have to check that out too.

For lunch, there is a neat little restaurant near me called “the good bite“.  They are vegetarian and some vegan.  It is just 2 doors away from my Trollbeads Jewelry store in Lake Placid, NY.  It has been opened for about 1 year.  They had Chili with yogart and cornbread.  EXCELLENT.  You need to find them if you visit Lake Placid, NY.  Then, I juiced.  I bet you already knew that.

My juice today, 2 cukes, 10carrots, 10 celery, 1 radish, 1 tomato, 4 apples (No pear…we were out).  Made enough for my husband to have a glass too.  I have lost 20 pounds so far and feel great. This is a life change, not a diet.  It’s all about the choices we make every day.  So, we are what we eat. 


3/18/2013 New Juice today.

What a great way to start a Monday.  LOTS of juice with fresh fruits and veggies.  I made enough for breakfast and lunch.  10 Carrots, 6 celery, 2 cucumbers, 1 radish, 4 apples, 1 pear, handful of fresh green beans and asparagus.  I really was good and more pulp than I usually get in my juices.  I have never tried to juice green beans or asparagus but it came out fine.  I was going to add another carrot just in case it was a little bitter but did not have to.

I brought my “juicing bible” to the store with me, to pick out a new juice for tomorrow.  I can’t say I am stuck with the same juice everyday because I change out some of the ingredients.  But I really like this one and tend to make it a lot.  Of course, it will have to include the same fruits and veggies my husband just bought so they don’t go bad and I don’t want to go back to the store.  hmm what to do.

Do you have a favorite juice or your goto juice?  Feel free to share.

What exercise have you done today?  At -14 this morning, I walked the dog 3/4 miles around the block and walked my 1/2 mile to the store.  By the time I was walking to the store it was 15 degrees.  Good thing was no wind.  Still have to walk my 1/2 mile back to the car and another 3/4 mile walk with the dog tonight.  May add 20 minutes on the rowing maching before watching the finale for biggest loser.  Don’t miss that.  That show this year has really motivated my.  Last year, not so much with all the fighting and back stabbing.

Who knew MCD Shamrock shakes had 54 Ingredients !



McDonald's Shamrock Shakes

McDonald’s Shamrock Shakes (Photo credit: Rusty Blazenhoff)


On St. Patrick’s Day let’s find out what’s in that Nasty Shamrock Shake…

I don’t drink these, they have always made me sick…I don’t have to wonder why.

Let’s pick a healthier choice today. –

Will this be a one time change?  Will this be a change in habbit?  Will this change affect my health?

Like Juicing Vegetables for more Health Articles like This!  This information was posted on FB today from Juicing Vegetables with the following link. 

Source: http://www.huff…

Pear Pineapple Juice 2/28/13

Today, the last day of February.  The juice I chose for breakfast was:pineapple

Pear and Pineapple.

2 Pears

2 slices Pineapple

1 Cup Grapes (red or green) – I used Green today.

1 Lemon (I like the full lemon)

I processed them in the order I typed them. 

I also zested the lemon (and froze the zest for later).  It seems to juice better and other recipes where I have used lemons, usually say to cut off the outside layer.  To freeze the zest – I put it in an ice cube tray with a little water.  Then when it was frozen, I put them into a labeled zip lock baggie.  This way when I want to add it to the food I am cooking, the little bit of water takes on the flavor of the lemon and does not add them much liquid to the meal. (Do this with fresh herbs too – thus the reason behind the labels on the bag.  Once frozen and in the ice, hard to tell what it once was.)  Back to the juice.

The benefits for the fruit I chose: 

Pears protect the colon, good source of vitamin C.

Pineapple aid in digestion and a good source of Vitamin C, iron and potassium

Grapes are an antioxidant, antiviral and anti cancer.

Lemons are another antioxidant and anti cancer.

Wisk and pour into a glass, and drink.  If you don’t want it all, store it in a sealable container.  Try to drink it within 24 hours.  Mine does not last that long.